Wednesday, February 15, 2012

September 2011

Four months old

This little sweet heart is four months old. I can not imagine our family without her. She is such a sweet happy baby. She brings so much joy and love into our house. She just learned how to roll over, and I want to just pause time. She is growing up way to fast. She still wakes up a couple of times a night. She loves to smile. She loves to oooh and ahhh. She loves her mommy. I am so thankful that I am not having to go back to work at this time. It makes me enjoy being a mom even more. Even if it is two in the morning, I love rocking and holding my little baby. She loves to snuggle, and sleep in bed right next to her mamma. I am enjoying all this cuddling as long as I can, because I know all to well how fast they grow up. I love you Addison.

All clean and ready for bed.

Happy girl!

My sleeping angel.