Friday, February 17, 2012

Date night!

Josh and I have started trying to get out on a date by ourselves each week.  It has been really good for the two of us, and our relationship, and also to help us be better parents to our little kiddos by getting a little break away from them.  This night we went to dinner, the temple, and dessert with our friends Rachel and Joey.  It was a great night, with great company.

 Josh striking a pose!
 Mmmm!  Orange Leaf yogurt.
 J.J. thinks that he is just a completely independent boy.  He thinks that he can walk over to Aunt Heathers and Uncle Chads whenever he wants.  I have caught him a few times half way over there when he is not suppose to be!  What a naughty crazy boy!  This particular day he wanted to walk by himself to Heathers to go to preschool!  He is waving and blowing me a kiss goodbye!  What a handsome little boy.  I love him to death.