Sunday, February 12, 2012

First Talk in Primary!

Yes, I am that mom that snuck a picture of my little man during church!  It was his first time to be asked to say a prayer in Primary and he was so excited.  He did not even need any help.  Daddy went up with him in case he needed help, but he was able to do it all by himself!  I was so proud of him.  He did such a great job.  He is going to be just like his daddy and love to speak and teach in church.  My future missionary.  This is what he said in his prayer- "Heavenly Father, thank you for this day.  Thank you for all that we have, and thank you for the Book of Mormon, and thank you for Mommy and Dad and the Book of Mormon, in the name of Jesus Christ Amen."  What a brave little boy.  You made your mommy and daddy proud.
 Little Miss Bailey Boo's beautiful hair.  This was the first time we put curlers in her hair.  Turned out pretty cute if you ask me!