Wednesday, February 15, 2012

September 2011

Thanks to Pinterest I found some fun ideas for things to do with the kids. We decided to make some paint for the bath, and also some rainbow rice. Both of the activities were hits. Every time the kids get in the bath tub now they ask if they can paint. I guess it was well worth the money and time. The kids also had fun helping me make all the stuff.

These are the "paints" for the tub.

Here are some pictures of the kids painting.

Being mermaids!!

Here is our rice before the kids dug in! Does't it look so fun and cute! The kids have absolutely loved this activity. It has kept them busy for hours, and I have learned that if I put a blanket underneath I can dump any rice back in that falls out, then vacuum up the rest, and it actually doesn't make a big mess.