Tuesday, February 21, 2012

November 2011


This year we spent Thanksgiving by going up to a huge cabin in Evanston, Wyoming with the Redd's. We had a great time. We had a lot of fun sledding, relaxing in the hot tub, had a great Thanksgiving dinner, great company, and stayed up way to late.

This little thing is six months old now! I can not believe it. She is rolling, scooting, eating baby food, drooling like crazy, still won't take a bottle, is not sleeping through the night, but I love her like crazy.

We sure didn't get enough of this while we were here.

Helping aunt Sarah make her famous and delicious rolls.

Momma and her baby girl.

Enjoying our delicious meal. Josh was asleep with the kiddos, so him and the kids ate later!

Grandpa Slavens and Addi.

Me and my Love.

My beautiful girl.

JJ and his girlfriend Gracie dancing the night away during our dance party!

Momma and JJ making Thanksgiving treats.

Watching our own personal firework show put on by the men! It was freezing cold, but it sure was fun.

All dressed up and ready to play in the snow. We wished there would have been a lot more snow there to play in, but there was enough to play, sled, and have fun. The kids loved it, but I think the big boys might have enjoyed it even more!