Thursday, February 16, 2012

October 2011


We celebrated Halloween for a few days this year. The kids got there money worth for sure out of their costumes! We started celebrating a few days before by going to IHOP and getting the kids "scary face" pancakes! They thought it was so cool, and were so excited when their pancakes came out.

Next, JJ had a Halloween party at preschool. When I asked him what he wanted to be for Halloween he said he wanted to be a flying dinosaur! I don't know where he came up with that idea, but he did. We found this costume, and once he saw it that is all he talked about.

JJ and Bentley

Cutest flying dinosaur and Snow White I have ever seen!

JJ, Bentley, and Granny!

Next I took the kids Trick-Or-Treating down Spanish Fork main street. For those who have never been before it was pretty fun. Josh was busy doing something, so I braved it out and took all three kids myself. I am sure I was quite the site. I had Addi in the baby carrier, then Bailey was walking so slow because she was so intrigued with everyones costumes. Trying to help both of them get candy, not get lost, and hold the baby was very tricky! It was quite the adventure, but well worth it for my kids!
They looked soooo cute all dressed up. It is so fun to see both of them at an age where they both really enjoy holidays and have fun. I love my kids!

Then it was Halloween. We had dinner at my moms house, then went Trick-Or-Treating around my moms neighborhood. The weather was amazing. Much better than the down poor last year. We had a wonderful night!