Thursday, November 17, 2011

Swimming lessons!

June 2011
I put the kids in a survivor swim class this year. J.J. did it last year but I was unable to go to any of them because I had just started my job and was in training so I was working everyday. So this year, I was so excited to be able to see the kids in action. Their teacher was the same teacher that I took swim lessons from when i was little! Both of the kids hated it for the first few days. J.J. would literally wake up and start crying saying he did not want to go to swimming lessons. Thank goodness by about the fourth day they both got use to it, and actually started enjoying it a little I think. The class basically teaches the kids how to flip over to their backs and float in case they were ever to fall into water. It was amazing to see their little bodies jump in the water, flip over and float all on their own. It was so cute and made me so proud at the same time!

The last day of their class they have to jump in with all of their winter clothes on so they know what it would feel like if that really happened to them.

I felt so bad for Bailey because she had the added extra weight of her diaper pulling her down. She did so good though and was able to flip over and float on her own. Definitely makes me feel a little more at ease for when they are around water.