Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Addison Leigh Redd

These pictures were taken six days after Addi was born. I think they turned out so cute. She is a beautiful baby. I could just sit and kiss her all the time.

Five Days Old- Finally starting to wake up a little.

Four Days Old

Three Days Old

Two Days Old

Addison Leigh Redd:

Born May 15th 2011 at 1:53am
7 pounds 2 ounces
20 inches long.

lots of dark brown hair. Cute as can be.

Labor story: I started having contractions on Friday the 13th. I thought for sure I would have the baby since my past two pregnancies the day I started having contractions I had the baby. I never had braxton hicks contractions before. So, my sister and I went on a good walk and my contractions continued. I went home and got in the shower waiting for them to get stronger and more frequent then every few minutes, but they stayed the same. I decided since it was getting late I would lay down and try to get some rest incase I did continue to have contractions, but to my disappointment when I laid down they stopped. So, I woke up Saturday morning and again the contractions started. I didn't want to get too excited because of what happened the day before so I just kept waiting. All of the sudden my contractions started hurting really bad. Because of how my labor went with Bailey I decided if the contractions got really bad I would go into the hospital because I did not want to deliver a baby in the car or at home. To my disappointment again when I arrived at the hospital I was only dilated to a 3. What? I had been dilated to a three since I was 36 weeks. I was so disappointed and mad. I wanted this labor to go as fast as Baileys and was expecting it to since it was my third. Then when they checked me again an hour later I was barely a four. I talked the nurse into stripping my membranes to try and help me along because at this point I was still trying to do it naturally with no epidural. she stripped my membranes and by time they checked me again I was at a five. I was moving along but a lot slower than I wanted too. I started walking the halls to try and get my labor to speed up, but it was just intensifying the contractions and wearing me out. After pacing the halls for at least an hour maybe two. I then decided since I was not progressing how I wanted to that I would have the Dr. strip my membranes still before getting my epidural because I still wanted to go natural if my body decided to go fast. They stripped my membranes and I still was dilating very slowly and my contractions were getting worse and I was getting tired so I decided to get an epidural. Once I got my epidural and my body relaxed I started dilating quickly. I hate how you feel when you get the epidural and you can't feel anything. I start feeling really anxious and like I can't breath so I always end up on oxygen! No fun. Thanks to Josh, my mom, and sister for rubbing my back, holding my hand , and taking my mind off of things we made it through. Once it was time for me to start pushing Addi was posterior so the Dr. had to manually turn her and then things went great. We think that is why she was not wanting to drop and why I was not dilating. When I finally was able to see her and hold her in my arms it was all worth it. It was love at first sight. She has been such a joy to our family. J.J. and Bailey absolutely love her. J.J. is so sweet and tender with her. Such a good big brother. It is so fun to have a little tiny baby in the house again to snuggle and love on. I don't think there is anything better. It's a little taste of heaven on earth.

These pictures were taken the day after Addi was born, in the hospital.

Getting all ready to go home. I always forget how little they look in the big carseats. Is this even safe?!


Mike and Katie said...

what a gorgeous baby!