Thursday, September 9, 2010

J.J.'s first day of preschool

J.J. went to his first real day of preschool last Friday. He was so excited he could hardly stand it. He looked so cute all ready for school with his back pack on.

His teacher Mrs. Redd (AKA Granny)!! J.J. is so lucky that he gets his Granny for his preschool teacher. Josh's mom runs a preschool out of her basement called The Little Redd School House. This makes it so much easier and funner for J.J. He also has his cousin Chase in his class who he absolutely loves and adores.

J.J. hanging up his backpack for the first time! SO CUTE!!

He was so excited for his name tag and for class to start, but not to excited about mom taking a million pictures!!

Each child was asked to bring five things to help everyone get to know them better. Here they are looking at everything J.J. brought.

It was so fun to see J.J. so excited for school, but a little sad for me to see that he really is growing up. I never thought this day would come that I would be taking my child to preschool. I wish I could freeze time right now. He is at such a fun age. He is learning so much, discovering new things, and becoming his own little person. J.J. I love you!


Anonymous said...

Brit, JJ is so stinken cute!!
I love both little ones sleeping so cute.. Love the updated pictures.Lynette

Amber and Mackay said...

SO CUTE! How perfect for his first teacher.. Gramma! Can't believe you have a preschooler...

Courtney said...

Cute pictures, I can't believe how much JJ looks like Josh. We really need to get together soon.