Wednesday, June 25, 2008

3 Year Anniversary!

For our three year anniversary we decided we would celebrate early since it fell on a Wednesday. So on Saturday Josh surprised me with a massage. I was so excited. All of those who know me know that massages are one of my most favorite things!! It was much needed (They always are, right?!) and it was so relaxing. Then that night we got in the car and he said we were going shopping and I could buy whatever I wanted! What a nice husband. We went shopping and I ended up with a few new outfits! How fun! Then we went to a very nice restaurant called Texas de Brazil. It is a Brazilian steakhouse with all varieties of different meat. We had never been there and while in Texas we are trying to check out all the restaurants that we do not have in Utah. It was very good and we left very full! It was nice to have a night alone with my husband. Thank you so much to our wonderful friends that watched Josh Jr. for us so we could enjoy a wonderful night together! Thank honey for taking such good care of me and spoiling me. I love you!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations you 2!!! :)... Dezi and Danny Celebrate this month I think 2. I aint sure though. :).

Coppell RS said...

I found you linked to a few different blogs of fellow Coppelians. I created a blog that links us all in one place. Check it out.

danny.des.jack.nora said...

Brittany your hair is so cute! I just love it. Congrats on the 3 years!

Anonymous said...

Look what a hot mom you are with that cute short hair!! I LOVE it!!! And how cute is your outfit!!! I think of you everytime I modivate myself to workout so I can look as cute and skinny as you!!!:)) One day I'll have the chest area to match:))

Anonymous said...

OH! Happy anniversary too!!! Sorry! What a cute couple!!!

Sarah and Jeremy said...


Try to post to my blog now. I just made my first post! We are so excited to see you guys!!! Just a few more days!!!! oh and Daisy is so excited as well. We went to the vet this morning to get her health certificate saying that she is safe to fly. They had to stick the themometer up her butt to take her temp. Poor thing felt so violated! :)