Tuesday, April 29, 2008


This past week Joshua has really started to smile! It has been so much fun! I think he gets a little camera shy because every time we get the camera out to catch his cute smiles he stops:( These are the few we have actually been able to get, but I hope there are only more and more cute smiles to come!


Tyler said...

Sounds like you had so much fun while your parents and g'ma & g'pa were there. I didn't even know they went to see you (how lame am I?).

Josh is getting SO big... I can't believe it. I love when they start smiling. Olivia wouldn't smile for the camera either. In fact, she is still intrigued by it and just stares at it when we pull it out. She does seem to be getting better with it, though.

Jared and Shalynn said...

It looks like you had a fun week with your family out to visit. I love Josh jr's cute little smiles! I remember when Cambree started to smile and it seemed like that's when everything started to not be so overwhelming with being a mom. Seeing him smile makes me so baby hungry! I hope the next 7 weeks goes by fast!