Sunday, January 29, 2012


Playing dress up at Mimi's house!  This girl loves to dress up.  I just don't know if I should be a little bit worried about this outfit or not!

 Handsome boy getting ready for church.  This kid loves his suit, and picking out which tie he wants to wear.  He never wants to wear any other church outfit than this suit.  He also loves to match ties with daddy too.  He really does take after his dad.  He loves a nice suit and nice ties!
 Love this silly, crazy girl!  This is her going number two on the potty if you can't tell!  She was being a little dramatic, but I could not pass up taking this picture.
 Once again, asleep in a funny spot!  On the floor next to her sisters crib!
 This was her sick.  I love that she has her throw up bowl on one side of her, her baby swaddled up next to her and she is flipped around in my bed.  Poor thing did not feel good at all.  I hate when my kids are sick.  It is the saddest thing ever.


Anonymous said...

let me take your sexy little knickers off I can't make yourpussy feel good with them on