Saturday, January 9, 2010

Random pictures

Brock and Chantell and my Dad all drove down to see us and meet Bailey for the first time. My mom not only was great for coming and spending a few weeks with us, but her and I also packed up our entire house by ourselves. Josh lucked out that he was out of town with his school for a basketball tournament. Then my awesome brother and dad loaded it all up into the moving truck. Thank you so much for your help. I have such wonderful family. Mimi with Bailey, Brightyn, and J.J.

Dad meeting and holding Bailey for the first time. Love this picture.

I love this little boy to pieces. Doesn't he look so sweet?

More pics of my sweet angel.

Exhausted from a long day with Mom and Mimi.

Still his crazy self with all of his energy. Oh how I love this boy.

Love dressing this little girl up.

At the Drs. for her second check up! What a cutie. I still can't believe all her hair.